Gulliver Resizing Mod 1.7.10
Is there a replacement for the Gulliver mod for 1.7.10?

Gulliver the Resizing Mod for 1.5.2 Minecraft - This mod will allow the player to either shrink or grow themselves or other living creatures at will. Oct 31, 2016 - [1.10.2/1.9.4/1.8/1.7.2/1.6.4/1.5.2] Gulliver Mod - Mods Minecraft. Download and install Modloader; Download Gulliver Mod; Drag and drop files. [1.10.2/1.9.4/1.8.9/1.8/1.7.10] Mo' Bends Mod for Minecraft - Mods Minecraft. Gulliver The Resizing Mod for Minecraft 1.6.4 and 1.6.2 - Have you ever ever watched a film a few group of researchers and analysis chemical substances, a few of which have the power to vary the scale of objects and creatures that may be bigger than and smaller than the unique or not?
I'm playing with 100+ mods in 1.7.10 and I'd love to have a resizing mod to be able to fit inside one block spaces, but the only one I can find is the Antman mod which I don't really want to use considering it requires a suit of armor using (I'm guessing, the recipes aren't on curseforge) mod-specific ores which will be immensely difficult to find since I've done quite a bit of exploring, or the Morph mod which crashes my game as soon as I kill a new mob. Is there a mod that works for 1.7.10 that can make me resize my player to fit into smaller than 2x1 spaces?
Gulliver Mod for Minecraft will bring you to a whole new world with a lot of interesting things! If you are finding something new to add into your Minecraft, the mod is a great choice for you!
Gulliver Mod for Minecraft is called Gulliver. It’s named for the book Gulliver’s Travels, though much of the inspiration comes from The Borrowers, Alice in Wonderland, and other size-related stories.
What it does?
- From the outside, it looks just like plain vanilla Minecraft. There are no new blocks or items, just two Potions.
- But with Gulliver installed, you now have the ability to change your own size or the sizes of mobs & NPCs!
- The world works differently when you and mobs change size. See what happens!
A few starter tips for tiny players:
- Watch Your Step
- Shift-Crouch to Jump 1 Block High
- Some Blocks are Climbable!
- Carry Paper, a Slime Ball, String and a Lily Pad
- Carry something pointy (like a Stick or Sword), you may need it to pry open Chests or Doors
- Try the Fishing Rod
- Beware of Cats & Spiders!
A few starter tips for huge players:
- Watch Your Step – Falling Hurts!
- Shift-Crouch to Jump Half Your Height
- Try Punching Blocks/Mobs Barehanded
- Step On Mobs (or else Sneak Over Them)
- Right-Click Mobs When Barehanded to Pick Them Up
Gulliver Mod Screenshots:
Gliding with Paper!
Rafting with a Lily Pad!
Riding an Iron Golem with String!
How to Change Size
Resizing Potions
Brewing recipe (Gulliver v0.10 for Minecraft 1.4.5 & later):
Create your Visio diagrams as usual. Then extrude them into the third dimension only with one click. And even visualized hyperlinks aids in the productivity for Microsoft Visio users everywhere. D link switch visio stencil. The ability to see whole project in one 3D scene.
- Add Nether Wart to Water Bottle to make Awkward Potion.
- Add Red Mushroom to make Potion of Embiggening, or else:
- Add Brown Mushroom to make Potion of Ensmallening.
Add Redstone Dust to extend the effect duration, and/or turn them into Splash Potions with Gunpowder and you can throw them at mobs.
Potion of Embiggening makes you 4 times normal height, Ensmallening makes you 1/4 normal height. (You can drink Milk or the Potion with the opposite resizing effect to change your size back.)
Resizing Dyes
Having a stack of Cyan Dye in your inventory will make you half your size, and a stack of Magenta Dye will make you twice your size. You can have multiple stacks of dye to apply the resizing multiple times, so 3 stacks of Cyan Dye will make you 1/8 size, and 3 stacks of Magenta Dye will make you 8 size. The dyes may also be applied to Sheep, and in Gulliver v0.10, dyeing tame Wolves’ collars will also have the resizing effect.
If you don’t want to allow Dye-based resizing on a server, set the option “enable-dye-resizing” to “false”.
If you don’t want it in singleplayer, use this option in %appdata%.minecraftconfigmod_Gulliver.cfg:
Resizing Keys
Note: This requires both “Cheat Mode” (or Op permission on a server) and Creative Mode to work.
You can adjust the player’s size by pressing the ‘R’ key to double the current size and the ‘F’ key to halve the current size. (Size limits are 1/8 for smallest and 8 for largest.) If the player is holding an ordinary Stick, then the size changes will apply to the mob you are pointing at. The player or mob will stay that size unless affected by a resizing Potion or Dye.
Configuration Options
If you want to start a new world at a particular size, like for doing a survival challenge, change the g_basePlayerSize option in %appdata%.minecraftconfigmod_Gulliver.cfg. To start new worlds at 1/8 scale, use this:
Jul 21, 2016 - A third-party utility is necessary for this, as by default the Boot Disk Creator only formats USB disks as FAT32. Browse to Program Files (x86) Symantec Ghost Bootwiz and double-click BootWiz.exe. A wizard will launch. May 19, 2016 - Can someone tell me where I can download the Ghost standard tools 3.0 boot disk creator. I contacted technical support and they told me to. Ghost boot disk wizard. Feb 10, 2016 - Ghost Solution Suite 3.0 Standard Tools allows the creation of boot media with. And double-click bootwiz.exe to launch the Boot Disk Creator. I have been using Symantec Ghost for quite a while with no issues. Ghost files, but I cannot figure out how to create the disk through the Ghost Boot Wizard. First, it is necessary to create a boot disk using the Ghost Boot Wizard. You can use the following KB document for the exact steps to take to.
- Download and install Modloader
- Download Gulliver Mod
- Drag and drop files from “Gulliver Mod” into “Minecraft.jar”
- Delete the META-INF
- Close “Minecraft.jar” and run minecraft!
- If you don’t want to mess with changing your minecraft.jar, there’s a very nice launcher program for Minecraft called Magic Launcher. With it, you can setup a configuration to launch Minecraft with Gulliver activated. You won’t have to touch minecraft.jar or even remove META-INF!
- It’s a great way to manage other mods too, and it can do some compatibility checking for you. You can set what mods are being loaded and in what order. (Gulliver should be the last item in your Mods list, unless told otherwise for a particular mod.)
Or you can install Gulliver Mod with MCPatcher HD or Optifine HD
- fixed client-side bounding-boxes of resized arrows and item drops, also item drop rendering
- prevent setting invalid basesizes (e.g. Infinity, NaN)
- bugfixes for Horse-related crashes, e.g. putting non-living entities on saddled Horses
- preventing a player from mounting their current rider
- preventing any player with a non-tinier rider on them from mounting a ride
- allowing Carrots as pointy items
- fix for extra-tiny player movement sometimes grinding to a halt while gliding or rafting
- tinier players may climb onto unshorn sheep empty-handed, and hold on (like with String) unless it’s shorn
- Horse taming adjustments:
- larger “heavier” players may take more attempts to tame a Horse, and vice versa for smaller “lighter” ones (but tinier players still can’t tame Horses by riding them)
- tinier players may tame Horses by feeding them (takes a lot of food!)
- a tamed Horse’s tinier owner has partial control of the horse’s movements when unsaddled, full control when saddled; other tinier players have partial control of saddled Horses
- tame wolves now use similar rider-control code as Horses; may only be controlled by the owner (who has partial control if tinier), doesn’t need to hold an Item, just use movement keys
- Bats are now controllable by smaller riders holding String (if tiny) or a Leash (if not tiny)
- use “forward” key to soar in the direction you’re looking
- use “backward” key to hover up/down at the current X-Z location (in the direction you’re looking)
- Bats with custom names will unhang and flit around smaller players holding String/Leash (or paper-gliding) for easier mounting
- named Bats are controllable by riders even without String/Leash
- players who aren’t tiny or huge may use a Leash to mount huger unleashable living mobs (e.g. Villagers, Bats)
- adjusted to have a smaller minimum fall distance for when smaller players/mobs will take damage (around 1.25m for 0.125 size)
- players/mobs will have minimum fall damage distance threshold increased when under jumpBoost effect (like at normal size)
- unless holding Food, a tinier rider can attack or use items on their mount
- cleaned up dismount code:
- tinier riding players will dismount onto a solid surface that’s “close enough” to reach (very very close)
- otherwise, they will dismount at their current position, e.g. right at the shoulder
- they may dismount more carefully/start closer to the ground by holding String (or Leash if not tiny)
- removed ModLoader dependency for Gulliver client – deprecated mod_Gulliver class, handling ModLoader-provided features internally
- using a customizable config-file similar to Gulliver Forged’s for both (non-Forge) Gulliver and Gulliver Server; Server no longer uses “”
- added command /reloadgullivercfg to non-Forge client and server, for reloading any changes to the config file (note: won’t change potion effect ids)
- added proper support for *.lang localization of custom messages
- added Russian and Ukrainian lang files
- better installers!
- created a Gulliver Forged installer that can install both client and server (still requires separate Forge 871 installation)
- created a non-Forge Gulliver client installer
- Gulliver client package includes a basic tweaker for the new launcher
- Gulliver Server now an executable jar file – drop into a folder with minecraft_server.1.6.2.jar and run it
- code cleanup related to Optifine and other-mod support
- removed sizing test code
- adding sizemult to each Entity’s displayed values in crash reports
- some AI adjustments for opening/breaking Doors
- …
For 1.6.2
For 1.5.2
Gulliver The Resizing Mod 1.7 10
Previous versions:
Gulliver Mod 1.12.2
For 1.5.1
For 1.5
For 1.4.7
Gulliver Resizing Mod 1.7.10
Credits: UncleMion