Ghost Boot Disk Wizard
What I would do, and what the tutorial at Symantec on the eLibrary suggested, create a batch file with a .cmd extension instead, but here's how they suggested doing so and seems to do the trick:
The Ghost 8.0 Boot Wizard can create a multicard boot floppy. However when using a CD-ROM boot disk as opposed to a floppy drive there is a problem. The method that Symantec uses to create a multicard boot floppy requires write access to the boot disk. We then make a ghost disk for the source machine to upload it to the ghost server. We double click on the 'Ghost Boot Wizard' and then select the 'Network Boot.

copy con GhostCreate.cmd
<here you'll fill in what your command will be>
ghost32.exe -clone,mode=create,src=1,dst=ghImg.gho -sure
<then hit ctrl+z then enter to save/exit back to CLI prompt>
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Then just run your command:
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How To Create A Ghost Boot Disk
and watch it work, it should finish, then you can type 'exit' and it will restart and boot the system back up.
What I would do, and what the tutorial at Symantec on the eLibrary suggested, create a batch file with a .cmd extension instead, but here's how they suggested doing so and seems to do the trick:
copy con GhostCreate.cmd Duralast 700 amp jump starter manual.
<here you'll fill in what your command will be>
ghost32.exe -clone,mode=create,src=1,dst=ghImg.gho -sure

Symantec Ghost Boot Disk
<then hit ctrl+z then enter to save/exit back to CLI prompt>
Then just run your command:
and watch it work, it should finish, then you can type 'exit' and it will restart and boot the system back up.