How To Decode Php Files That Encoded By Zend Encoder Definition
Coldplay music free download. We have a website maintained by an old employee and it appears it's encoded by Zend Guard including all backups.
I know a little about Zend Optimizer, but never considered it for source protection as I know in the end the bytecode will need to be decoded for the interpreter, and was sure people easily decode optimized files using some software.
An empty string activates detection from script encoding (Zend multibyte). To encode all the xml entities and also all the &something; that are not defined in xml like ™ You can also decode what you encode with my decode function. Or htmlspecialchars() and then writing to an XML file, the resulting ampersands. I know a little about Zend Optimizer, but never considered it for source protection as I know in the end the bytecode will need to be decoded for the interpreter, and was sure people easily decode optimized files using some software.
Now I need to decode some files and I can't find anything but some 'paid services'. We have the ownership of the code and are locked out now for any changes and debugging. How can I decode our files back?
2 Answers
The entire point of the very expensive software tool Zend Guard is to encrypt code so that it can not be decoded. That is the point.
If obfuscation is not on, then there is a possibility that you may be able to get a professional to get the code back, less comments and formatting by means of hacking the code engine. If obfuscation is on, then it's easier to rewrite it to be honest.
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Have a read of this article from the Zend site, I know it is a biased source but they are right:
How To Decode Php Files That Encoded By Zend Encoder Definition Free
Free tools all over the place can do this now:
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I was looking for php encoder and found a zend safeguard. I googled about safeguard and found out that there are many decoders for zend safeguard.
Zend told me that it is not possible to decode zend encoded files, but users over the internet do not agree.
I cannot seem to find a clear answer for my situation.
what do you guys think?
2 Answers
To put it simply, it must be decoded for you to be able to run it. At some point, the encrypted data is decrypted to PHP bytecode during normal operation, meaning it's possible for someone to capture that bytecode and store it, unencrypted.
However, it's probably impossible to retrieve the original PHP source, just like you can't get the original C++ code, comments and all, by decompiling a .exe file.
So, in the end, both sides are right, for specific meanings of 'decode'.
And tools like Zend Guard will never stop a determined attacker, making their value questionable.
The source code can be decoded back in to valid PHP, there are some less than reputable services out there.
However, not encoding your source normally works out fine, since it allows people to hack their own code in to make a slightly customised version