Vadivelu Comedy Punch Dialogues Free Download
Apr 14, 2018 - Vadivelu Punch Dialogue In Tamil Tamil Comments Pinterest. 363 × 340 - 25k - jpg Tamil Comedy Actors.
Comedy dialogs are listed in tamil.You can listen audio with a single touch and able to share with your friends in social medial media like WhatsApp, hike, telegram, facebook and all.
1.Goundamani Punch & Comedy Dialogues
2.Vadivelu Comedies Punch & Comedy Dialogues
3.Santhanam Comedies Punch & Comedy Dialogues
4.Senthil Comedies Punch & Comedy Dialogues
5.Vivek Comedies Punch & Comedy Dialogues
6.Rajini Comedies Punch Dialogues
7.Kamal Comedies Punch Dialogues
8.Ajith Comedies Punch Dialogues
9.Vijay Comedies Punch Dialogues
10.Siva Karthikeyan Punch & Comedy Dialogues
11.Soori Comedies Punch & Comedy Dialogues
12.Vijayakanth Comedies Punch Dialogues
13.Madhavan Comedies Punch Dialogues
14.Karunas Punch & Comedy Dialogues
15.Kovai sarala Comedies
16.Others Punch & Comedy Dialogues
This apps have massive collection of Punch, famous, funny, memorable and powerful dialogues !!!
We don't claim right on any file in this application. All the content provided in this application is taken from other places and we just recommend it to you to listen .We do not host any of these Audios. All rights reserved to the content's respective owners.

Rajini Punch dialogues, contrary to popular opinion, are not something new and they have always there in movies, even in Hollywood ones, for that matter. For a punch dialogue to reach the masses and to remain embedded in their consciousness, it is not required that the dialogue should get repeated often. Clark Gable’s ‘Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn’ in ‘Gone with the wind’ has been one of the immortal lines ever. Which tells you that a dialogue just delivered once with telling effect is often enough. And who can forget Marlon Brando’s ‘Make me an offer I can’t refuse’ in ‘Godfather’? For a punch dialogue to enter the hall of fame, it should meet certain qualifications. One, it should be able to stand the test of time; another is that the dialogue should get so popular that it should unobtrusively become part of our everyday language. Have a look at our collection of some of the best ‘punch’ dialogues ever to grace the Tamil silver screen!
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