Smith Wesson Model 41 Serial Number Date Of Manufacture
Smith & Wesson Model 63 'No Dash'. The serial number is on the butt or bottom of the grip. If there is no 'dash ' number following the Model number then the gun dates to 1977. RJay, Nov 16, 2011. My Model 63, also, has an unpinned barrel and no dash in the Model stamp. Serial number is M208417. Jim Hauff, Nov 17, 2011.
Due to a high number of requests, the current turnaround timefor a history letter is 8 - 12 weeks.
Smith & Wesson Serial Numbers By Year
Prior to requesting the history of your handgun, first determinethat you have an authentic Smith & Wesson handgun. If thebarrel is not stamped Smith & Wesson, Springfield,Massachusetts or Smith & Wesson, Houlton, ME your handgun isnot a Smith & Wesson. Many handguns are stamped with thecaliber, i.e., .38 S&W. This indicates the caliber and does notnecessarily mean that it is a Smith & Wesson manufacturedhandgun.
Letter of Authenticity (See sample)
If you desire an in-depth response we can provide a formalletter of authenticity. There is a fee of $30.00 to cover ourresearch, administrative and postage costs.
To order the history of your Smith & Wesson, print this form(requires Adobe Acrobat), fill it out and return it along with aphotograph or sketch of your handgun and your check or moneyorder.
If you decide to obtain a history letter, please provide acomplete description of the firearm that includes all markings,barrel length, finish, single or double action, exposed orconcealed hammer and a photograph or outline sketch. If you do notknow the exact caliber of the revolver please measure the length ofthe cylinder and include that with the description. This will aidin the identification of the handgun. If your revolver is markedwith the Model Number it is not necessary to include an outlinesketch or photograph.
What is the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson model 10 D113233?
Manufacture date of Smith and Wesson model 29 N795041?
What is the date of manufacture of Smith and Wesson Model 49?
What is the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson Model 19 serial 2K57908?
What is the manufacture date of the smith and Wesson model 65-4?
What is the manufacture date of Smith and Wesson model 49 with serial 5461?
What was manufacture date of Smith and Wesson model 28 with SN S271xxx?
What was the date of manufacture of Smith Wesson Model 648?
What is the date of manufacture of a smith and Wesson model 41 sn a182560?
What was the manufacture date of the Smith and Wesson Model 909?
What is manufacture date for smith and Wesson model 59 serial number A4003xx?
Your serial number dates your Smith and Wesson model 59 to the years 1977-1978. Read More
What is the manufacture date of a SW model 19-3 9K54864?
I can say that the smith and wesson model 19-3 was made from 1967-1976.maybe if you contact smith and wesson they would be able to give you a more exact date of manufacture. Read More
What is the manufacture date of a smith Wesson model 908 serial tdr7338?
Date of manufacture on a model 36 smith and Wesson?
Impossible to answer without the serial number. Read More
What is the manufacture date of smith and Wesson model 27 with serial?
What was the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson Model 36 Serial Number 361612?
What was the manufacture date of the Smith and Wesson Model 65-2?
What was the manufacture date of Smith and Wesson 357 Magnum model 65?
What is Manufacture date of smith Wesson Model 29 serial BBV1137?
What is the manufacture date of smith and Wesson model 65-3?
What is the manufacture date of a Smith Wesson model 38 serial AFM3213?
What is date of manufacture of smith and Wesson k7 serial 61277?
What is the date of manufacture of a Smith and Wesson Model 67 with serial number 5k48298?
What is the manufacture date of a smith and Wesson model 39?
Impossible to answer without a serial number. Read More
What was the manufacture date of Smith and Wesson model 36 serial number 79676?

What is the manufacture date of a smith and Wesson model 647?
Impossible to answer without a serial number. Read More
What is the date of manufacture for a smith and Wesson model 10 serial D248389?
What Is Manufacture date Smith and Wesson Model 10 Serial?
What is the manufacture date of model 29 smith and Wesson serial?
What is the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson Model 639?
Impossible to answer without a serial number. Read More
What is the manufacture date of Smith and Wesson model 29 serial number n335386?
What is the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson model 66 with serial number BNV3134?
What is the date of manufacture for a Smith and Wesson model 686 serial?
What is the date of manufacture of the Smith and Wesson Model 14 SN 190142?
1953. Model numbers were not in use in 1953 Read More
What was manufacture date of Smith and Wesson model 63 serial number 18197?
What is the manufacture date of a Smith Wesson model 6906 serial TCA3899?

What was the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson Model 65 revolver with serial number 7DO634?
What is the date of manufacture of a Smith and Wesson Model 41 SN A183000?
What is the date of manufacture of a Smith and Wesson Model 19-4 serial 52K7868?
What is the date of manufacture of a Smith and Wesson Model 19 357 with serial number 66k663x?
What is the manufacture date for a Smith and Wesson model 66?
No way to know without the serial number. Read More
What is the manufacture date of a smith-wesson model 36 38cal serial no 1j03516?
What was the manufacture date of the smith and wesson model 10 rev ser?
What was the manufacture date of smith Wesson model k 22 serial number k143599?
What is the date of manufacture of a smith Wesson model 586 serial number bfj4345?
Call Smith and Wesson and they will tell you. You will be in the early 80's time frame. Read More
What was the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson Model 36 Serial Number 55934?
Your early J frame model 36 Smith and Wesson was made in the year 1955 with the serial number that you have provided. Read More
What was the manufacture date of Smith and Wesson model 629 serial number 869642?

No such serial number in the Model 629 range. Read More
What is the manufacture date of a smith Wesson model 551 serial aah5xxx?
That sn is c.1982 and is probably a Model 581. Read More
How do you date a smith and Wesson 4566?
I can say that the Smith and Wesson model 4566 has been made from 2000-to date.You could contact Smith and Wesson directly and they may identify the correct year of your pistols manufacture. Read More
What is the date of manufacture of a smith and Wesson serial number TAA1553?
You would also need to include the model of Smith and Wesson along with the serial number to get the correct answer to your question. Read More