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The Let's Play Archive Resident Evil 1 by The Dark Id. Began on Sep 09, 2007; Ended on Nov 16, 2007; This LP has 59 parts. Added to the archive on Apr 07, 2008. Original Thread: Resident Evil. If you liked this LP, you might also like Resident Evil 4 by The Dark Id, Resident Evil 0 by The Dark Id and Resident Evil 3 by The Dark Id. Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis is a Sony PlayStation game. Play it online at Play ROMs.
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Resident Evil 1.5 was the cancelled Capcom game that never saw the light of day. But after a year of development, fans have finally restored the title and released a playable version in to the wild.
Kotaku reports that fans who got their hands on the game’s code spent almost a year translating and fixing the scrapped build to make it playable.
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The group has now released its work-in-progress build for free after it learned of another gamer trying to sell Capcom’s buggy code on eBay.
The ISO is apparently quite unstable at the moment, but bear in mind that it is still being worked on.
Subscribe to the VG247 newsletterGet all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday!The team’s project leader, going by the handle B.Zork said in a forum post, “This here is an ISO of our work-in-progress build of the Resident Evil 1.5 restoration project. It is not representative of the current state of development of the non-profit restoration fan-project.
“People attempting to profit on our non-profit efforts, and both our personal and monitary investments is something we cannot stand for and is something we feel greatly taints the Resident Evil community, the prototype community, the archival and preservation of video game history, the integrity and face value of people, and our goal and intentions for this here restoration project.

“While we cannot speak on behalf of Capcom, we do believe that charging money for illegal and unsanctioned duplication of their data is something that should be frowned upon and avoided at all costs.”
Here are two clips of the fan project in action:
Making cocaine with baking soda. Thanks Eurogamer.